Campbell River Genealogy Society


Reference Material – Books



SubjectsTitleAuthorCall #2Call #3
ALTA - Census - 1891 --- Census - 1891 - CAN1891: Index to the 1891 Census District of AlbertaCondon, Eileen P.971.23CON
ALTA - Census - 1901 --- Census - 1901 - CAN1871: Index to the 1901 Census District of Alberta971.23ALB
ALTA, Athabasca - Census - 1901 --- Census - 1901 - CAN1901: Index to the 1901 Census: Unorganized Territories No. 206a AthabascaAlberta Genealogical Society971.23ALB
Atlantic Provinces - Registers
1600-1900: Atlantic Canadians: Volume 1 - A-FElliot, Noel Montgomery971ELL
Atlantic Provinces - Registers
1600-1900: Atlantic Canadians: Volume 2 - G-MElliot, Noel Montgomery971ELL
Atlantic Provinces - Registers
1600-1900: Atlantic Canadians: Volume 3 - N-ZElliot, Noel Montgomery971ELL
BC - Cemeteries, Gravestones and Monuments
Index of Known Cemeteries in the Province of BC971.1MIN
BC - Local History --- Western Migration - BC
Voices of British Columbia: Stories From Our FrontierBudd, Robert971.1BUD
BC - Registers, Legal
1874: Heads of Household in British Columbia971.1VIB
BC, Black Creek - Cemeteries, Gravestones and Monuments
Listings of the Original Black Creek Cemetery971.1CAM
BC, Campbell River - BMD/Christening Records
1960-74: Birth, Marriage and Death References from the CR Courier V2971.1CAM
BC, Campbell River - BMD/Christening Records, Newspaper
1947-1959: Birth, Marriage and Death References from the CR Courier971.1CAM
BC, Campbell River - Cemeteries, Gravestones and Monuments
1932-1995: List of the Orig CR Cem 1932-1983 and New CR Cem 1983-1995971.1CAM
BC, Campbell River - Cemeteries, Gravestones and Monuments
Listings of the Campbell River Cemeteries: Updated to December 31, 2003971.1CAM
BC, Campbell River - Local History
Edge of Discovery; a History of the CR DistrictIsenor, D. E.971.1ISE
BC, Campbell River - Local History
Diamond in the Rough: the Campbell River StoryMitchell, Helen971.1MIT
BC, Comox Valley - BMD/Christening Records
Collection of Births, Marriages, and Deaths: Comox Valley BMDWagner, Gordon971.1WAG
BC, Cortes Island - Cemeteries, Gravestones and Monuments
Listings of the Cortes Island Cemeteries: Manson's Landing Cemetery, Old Whaletown Cemetery, New Whaletown Cemetery971.1CAM
BC, Courtenay - Cemeteries, Gravestones and Monuments
City of Courtenay Cemetery RecordsGray, Jackelaine971.1GRA
BC, Courtenay - Cemeteries, Gravestones and Monuments
Courtenay Civic Cemetery971.1COM
BC, Cumberland - Cemeteries, Gravestones and Monuments
Cumberland Cemetery Cumberland, B.C.Comox Valley Family History Research Group971.1COM
BC, Gold River - Cemeteries, Gravestones and Monuments
1978-96: Memorial Park Cemetery Listings Gold River, BC971.1CAM
BC, Lasqueti Island - Cemeteries, Gravestones and Monuments
Lasqueti Island Community CemeteryRobotham, Barbara971.1ROB
BC, North Vancouver Island - BMD/Christening Records
Birth, Marriage and Death Reference from CR Upper-Islander971.1CAM
BC, Quadra Island - Cemeteries, Gravestones and Monuments
Quadra Island Cemetery Listings: Cape Mudge and Quadra Island971.1CAM
BC, Quadra Island - Columbia Coast Mission --- Columbia Coast Mission - BC, Vancouver Island
1913-1921: Columbia Coast Mission: St. John's Church, Quathiaski CoveMcLean, A.V.971.1MCL
BC, Rock Bay - Local History
British Columbia in Books; An Annotated BibliographyCuddy, Mary Lou971.1CUD
BC, Sayward - Cemeteries, Gravestones and Monuments
Sayward Burial Park Cemetery Listings971.1CAM
BC, Vancouver - Local History
Planning a Geological Trip to the Vancouver Area: A finding aid to historical sources in British Columbia's Southwest corner971.1KUR
BC, Vancouver Island - Cemeteries, Gravestones and Monuments
Listings of Cemeteries of Northern Vancouver Island: Port Alice, Port Hardy, Port McNeill, Quatsino, Sointula971.1CAM
British Isles (ENG, SCT, WLS, NIE, IRE) - Directories
2000: Genealogical Services Directory: with British local historyBlatchford, Robert929BLA
British Isles (ENG, SCT, WLS, NIE, IRE) - Indexes, Parish
Phillimore Atlas and Index of Parish RegistersHumphery-Smith, Cecil912HUM
Campbell River Genealogy Society - Publications
Family Favourites: Recipes Past to Present641.5CAM
CAN - BMD/Christening Records
1988: Canadian Obituary RecordStamp, Robert M.971STA
CAN - BMD/Christening Records --- Dictionaries and Indexes, Biography
1989: Canadian Obituary Record: A Biographical Dictionary of Canadians Who Died in 1989Stamp, Robert M.971STA
CAN - BMD/Christening Records --- Dictionaries and Indexes, Biography
1990: Canadian Obituary Record: A Biographical Dictionary of Canadians Who Died in 1989Stamp, Robert M.971STA
CAN - BMD/Christening Records --- Dictionaries and Indexes, Biography
1991: Canadian Obituary Record: A Biographical Dictionary of Canadians Who Died in 1989Stamp, Robert M.971STA
CAN - BMD/Christening Records --- Dictionaries and Indexes, Biography
1992: Canadian Obituary Record: A Biographical Dictionary of Canadians Who Died in 1989Stamp, Robert M.971STA
CAN - Census - 1666-1891 --- Census - 1666-1891 - CAN1666-1891: Catalogue of Census Returns on Microfilm 1666-1891Hillman, Thomas A.971HIL
CAN - Census - 1901 --- Census - 1901 - CAN1901: Catalogue of Census Returns on Microfilm 1901Hillman, Thomas A.971HIL
CAN - Directories and Archives - Unpublished Manuscripts --- Directories and Archives - CAN - Unpublished Manuscripts
Union List of Manuscripts in Canadian RepositoriesGordon, Robert S.971GOR
CAN - Indexes, Media
Guide to Canadian Photographic ArchivesSeifried, Christopher971SEI
CAN - Military History - Badges and Honours
1914-1954: Canadian War Service BadgesJohnson, Robbie971JOH
CAN - Registers, Commerce
1916: Reference Book (and Key) for the Dominion of Canada: Containing names and ratings of Merchants, Traders and Manufacturers, July 1916971MER
CAN - Registers, Commerce
1938: Canada: Official Handbook of Present Conditions and Recent Progress971COA
CAN - Registers, Commerce
1939: Canada: Official Handbook of Present Conditions and Recent Progress971COA
CAN - Registers, Commerce
1940: Canada: Official Handbook of Present Conditions and Recent Progress971COA
CAN - Registers, Parish
1986: Checklist of Parish RegistersBirkett, Patricia971BIR
CAN, West - Registers
1600-1900: Western Canadians: Volume 1 - A-GElliot, Noel Montgomery971ELL
CAN, West - Registers
1600-1900: Western Canadians: Volume 2 - H-NElliot, Noel Montgomery971ELL
CAN, West - Registers
1600-1900: Western Canadians: Volume 3 - O-ZElliot, Noel Montgomery971ELL
Dictionaries and Indexes, Language
Webster's Canadian Dictionary and Thesaurus413REA
Dictionaries and Indexes, Language --- Danish-English Dictionary
Berlitz Danish for Travellers948.9BER
Dictionaries and Indexes, Language --- French-English Dictionary
Collins Pocket Reference French Dictionary413COL
Dictionaries and Indexes, Language --- German-English Dictionary
Cassell's Compact German English English German DictionarySasse, H.C.943CAS
Dictionaries and Indexes, Language --- German-English Dictionary
Larousse Pocket Dictionary: German/English / English/German413LAR
Dictionaries and Indexes, Language --- Italian-English Dictionary
1975: Penguin Concise Italian DictionaryReynolds, Barbara945REY
Dictionaries and Indexes, Language --- Portuguese-English Dictionary
Berlitz Portuguese-English Ingles/Portugues Dictionary946.9BER
Dictionaries and Indexes, Language --- Swedish-English Dictionary
McKay's Modern English-Swedish and Swedish-English DictionaryNojd, Ruben948.5NOJ
Dictionaries and Indexes, Language --- Swedish-English Dictionary
Hugo's Swedish Simplified: An easy and rapid self-instructor948.5HUG
Dictionaries and Indexes, Language --- Thai-English Dictionary
Practical English-Thai Dictionary: With Thai pronunciation in EnglishPramuansarn Staff959.3PRA
Dictionaries and Indexes, Medicine --- Medical Dictonary
Blakiston's Illustrated Pocket Medical DictionaryHoerr, Normand L.610HOE
Dictionaries and Indexes, Place Names --- ENG - Place Names - Origins and Meanings
Dictionary of English Place-NamesMills, A. D.942MIL
Dictionaries and Indexes, Surnames --- Surnames - Origins and Meanings --- ENG - Dictionaries, Surnames
Dictionary of English Surnames: The Standard Guide to English SurnamesReaney, P. H.942REA
Encyclopedias and Dictionaries - ENG, French, Latin Old Terms
General Information Archives and Societies: Old Terms and Glossary English, French and LatinGoddard, Pat942GOD
Encyclopedias and Dictionaries - Latin --- Latin Dictionary --- Genealogical Record Searching andDocumentation - Latin Dictionary
Latin for Local and Family HistoriansStuart, Denis413STU
ENG - Emigration -Index, Names
1661-1699: Complete Book of EmigrantsColdham, Peter Wilson941COL
ENG - Immigration to - North America --- North America - Emigration from - ENG
1700-1750: Complete Book of EmigrantsColdham, Peter Wilson941COL
ENG - Registers, Parish
Contiguous Parishes by County: EnglandGray & Sons942GOD
ENG, London - Directories
1876: Handbook to Environs of London Part 1: Alphabetically Arranged, Containing an Account of Every Town and Village, and of All Places of Interest within a Circle of 20 Miles Round LondonThorne, James942.22THO
ENG, London - Maps and Atlases, Index
Master Atlas of Greater London942.22MAS
ENG, London - Registers, Libraries
Guide to Libraries in LondonMcBurney, Valerie942.22MCB
ENG, London - Registers, Parish
1538-1837: Parish Registers in the Inner London AreaGraham, Norman H.942.22GRA
ENG, London County - Registers, Parish
1538-1837: Parish Registers in the Outer London AreaGraham, Norman H.942.22GRA
ENG, Merseyside, Southport - Directories
1933-34: Seed's Southport and District DirectoryHalsall, Daniel942.14HAL
Germany - Emigration to - Russia
1763-1862: Errata and Directions for "Emigration from Germany to Russia in the years 1763 to 1862"947STU
Germany - Emigration to - Russia --- Russia - Immigration from - Germany
1763-1862: Emigration from Germany to Russia in the YearsStumpp, Karl947STU
Germany - Postal Codes
1993: Das Postleitzahlenbuch [The German Zip Code Book]943POS
History, French Canada
1600-1900: French Canadians: Volume 1 - A-DElliot, Noel Montgomery971.4ELL
History, French Canada
1600-1900: French Canadians: Volume 2 - E-MaElliot, Noel Montgomery971.4ELL
History, French Canada
1600-1900: French Canadians: Volume 3 - Mc-ZElliot, Noel Montgomery971.4ELL
IRE - Emigration to - Atlantic Provinces --- Atlantic Provinces - Immigration from - IRE
1751-1853: Erin's Sons, v. IV: Irish Arrivals in Atlantic Canada, to 1863Punch, Terrence M.941.5PUN
IRE - Emigration to - Atlantic Provinces --- Atlantic Provinces - Immigration from - IRE
1751-1858: Erin's Sons, v. III: Irish Arrivals in Atlantic Canada,Punch, Terrence M.941.5PUN
IRE - Emigration to - Atlantic Provinces --- Atlantic Provinces - Immigration from - IRE
1761-1853: Erin's Sons, v. II: Irish Arrivals in Atlantic CanadaPunch, Terrence M.941.5PUN
IRE - Emigration to - Atlantic Provinces --- Atlantic Provinces - Immigration from - IRE
1761-1853: Erin's Sons: Irish Arrivals in Atlantic Canada,Punch, Terrence M.941.5PUN
IRE - Indexes --- Ordnance Survey Maps - IRE
Index of People and Places: Index to Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland SeriesMcWilliams, Patrick941.5MCW
IRE - Indexes, Land --- Ordnance Survey Maps - IRE
General Alphabetical Index: Townlands and towns, Parishes, and Baronies of Ireland941.5THO
IRE - Registers, Historical
2004: Irish Family History Research Subscribers' Interest List941.5ULS
MAN, Gretna - Mennonite Immigrants --- Mennonite Immigrants - MAN, Gretna
Mennonitische Lehranstalt: 75. Jubilaeum 1889-1965971.27MEN
Maps and Atlases, Historical - World History, 50,000BC-400ADBC 50,000-400AD: Penguin Atlas of Ancient History:McEvedy, Colin912MCE
NFLD, Labrador - Registers, Newspaper
Them Days: Newspaper Stories of Early Labrador971.8SAU
North America - Immigration from - ENG --- ENG - Emigration to - North America
1607-1660: Complete Book of EmigrantsColdham, Peter Wilson941COL
NS - BMD/Christening Records, Surnames
1848-1887: The Presbyterian Witness and Evangelical Advocate: Vital Statistics, v.1, Surnames A-F971.6MCC
NS - BMD/Christening Records, Surnames
1848-1887: The Presbyterian Witness and Evangelical Advocate: Vital Statistics, v.2, Surnames G-L971.6MCC
NS - BMD/Christening Records, Surnames
1848-1887: The Presbyterian Witness and Evangelical Advocate: Vital Statistics, v.3, Surnames M-Q971.6MCC
NS - BMD/Christening Records, Surnames
1848-1887: The Presbyterian Witness and Evangelical Advocate: Vital Statistics, v.4, Surnames R-Z971.6MCC
NS - BMD/Christening Records, Surnames
1888-1908: The Presbyterian Witness and Evangelical Advocate: Vital Statistics, v. 1, Surnames A-F971.6MCC
NS - BMD/Christening Records, Surnames
1888-1908: The Presbyterian Witness and Evangelical Advocate: Vital Statistics, v.2, Surnames G-L971.6MCC
NS - BMD/Christening Records, Surnames
1888-1908: The Presbyterian Witness and Evangelical Advocate: Vital Statistics, v.3, Surnames M-Q971.6MCC
NS - BMD/Christening Records, Surnames
1888-1908: The Presbyterian Witness and Evangelical Advocate: Vital Statistics, v.4, Surnames R-Z971.6MCC
NS - Local History
History of Nova Scotia: v.1Allison, David971.6ALL
NS - Local History
History of Nova Scotia: v.2Allison, David971.6ALL
NS - Local History
History of Nova Scotia: v.3 Biographical IndexAllison, David971.6ALL
NS, Wolfville - Acadie University --- Universities and Colleges - NS, Wolfville
1838-1953: Acadia RecordKirkconnell, Watson971.6KIR
ONT - Cemeteries, Gravestones and Monuments
Ontario Cemetery Transcripts971.3MIL
ONT - Registers
1600-1900: People of Ontario, Volume 1Elliott, Noel Montgomery971.3ELL
ONT - Registers
1600-1900: People of Ontario, Volume 2Elliott, Noel Montgomery971.3ELL
ONT - Registers
1600-1900: People of Ontario, Volume 3Elliott, Noel Montgomery971.3ELL
ONT, Brant - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - BrantElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Bruce - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - BruceElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Durham - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - DurhamElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Elgin - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - ElginElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Essex, Kent - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - Essex - KentElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Grey County - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - GreyElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Halton, Peel - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - Halton - PeelElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Hamilton, Wentworth - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the Census of Ontario - Hamilton - WentworthElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Hastings, Prince Edward - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - Hastings - Prince EdwdElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Huron - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - HuronElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Kingston, Frontenac - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - Kingston - FrontenacElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Lambton - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - LambtonElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Lanark - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - LanarkElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Leeds, Grenville - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - Leeds - GrenvilleElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Lincoln, Welland, and Niagara - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - Lincoln-Welland-NiagaraElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, London and Middlesex Counties - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - London - MiddlesexElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, MAN - Registers
1600-1900: Central Canadians: Volume 1 - A-FElliot, Noel Montgomery971ELL
ONT, MAN - Registers
1600-1900: Central Canadians: Volume 2 - G-MElliot, Noel Montgomery971ELL
ONT, MAN - Registers
1600-1900: Central Canadians: Volume 3 - N-ZElliot, Noel Montgomery971ELL
ONT, Norfolk - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - Haldimand - NorfolkElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Northumberland County - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - NorthumberlandElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Ontario County - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - Ontario CountyElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Ottawa - Directories, Parliament
1867-1967: Canadian Directory of ParliamentJohnson, J.K.971JOH
ONT, Ottawa, Carleton - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - Ottawa - CarletonElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Oxford County - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - OxfordElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Peel County - Local History
1867-1967: History of Peel County: to Mark its Centenary as a Separate County971.334CHA
ONT, Perth County - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - Perth CountyElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Peterborough, Victoria - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - Peterborough-VictoriaElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Prince Edward County - Local History
Settlement of Prince Edward CountyMika, Nick971.338MIK
ONT, Renfrew County and the North - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - Renfrew and the NorthElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Simcoe County - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - SimcoeElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Stormont, Dundas - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - Stormont-DundasElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Toronto - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - TorontoElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Waterloo County - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - WaterlooElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, Wellington County - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - WellingtonElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
ONT, York County - Census - 1871 --- Census - 1871 - CAN1871: Index to the 1871 Census of Ontario - YorkElliot, Bruce S.971.3ELL
Personal Family Histories - Clement Family --- Clement Family - Personal Family Histories
1725>: Clement Family History: Descendants of Lewis Cobes Clement, UE (1725-1791) and Catherine Eliza Poutman (1726-1897)Harris, Lenore J929.4HAR
Prussia (Germany, Poland, Russia) - Local History
Prussia: The Atlantic Bridge to Germany Vol. 8Hall, Charles M.943HAL
Public Record Office - England
Public Register Office (PRO) Leaflets - General Information Book #2Goddard, Pat942GOD
Quebec - Dictionaries, Genealogical
Dictionnaire Genealogique des familles du QuebecJette, Rene971.4JET
Quebec - Directories, Genealogical
Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles CanadiennesTanguay, L'Abbe Cyprien971.4TAN
Quebec - Registers, Parish
1621-1876: Inventaire des Registres Paroissiaux Catholiques du Quebec 6Belanger, Pauline971.4BEL
Quebec, Grand-Calumet - BMD/Christening Records
1846-2004: St. Anne's Parish Grand-Calumet Island, Quebec: Book 1: Baptisms and MarriagesDesjardins, Ken971.4DES
Quebec, Grant Calumet Island - Cemeteries, Gravestones and Monuments
1846-2004: St. Anne's Parish Grand-Calumet Island, Quebec: Book 2: Burials, Marginal Annotations and TombstonesDesjardins, Ken971.4DES
Quebec, Vinton - BMD/Christening Records
1875-1996: St. Elizabeth's of Hungary ParishDesjardins, Ken971.4DES
SASK - Census - 1891 --- Census - 1891 - CAN1891: Index to the 1891 Census District of SaskatchewanCondon, Eileen P.971.24CON
SASK - Census - 1901 --- Census - 1901 - CAN1901: Index to the 1901 Census: District of Saskatchewan (No. 205)Alberta Genealogical Society971.24ALB
SASK - Directories, Municipal --- Directories, Municipal - SASK
1995: Saskatchewan - Municipal Directory971.24SAS
SASK, Assiniboia East - Census - 1891 --- Census - 1891 - CAN1891: Assiniboia East; Index to the Census of Canada 1891Condon, Eileen P.971.24CON
SASK, Assiniboia West - Census - 1891 --- Census - 1891 - CAN1891: Assiniboia West, Saskatchewan; Index to the Census of Canada 1891Condon, Eileen P.971.24CON
SASK, Melville, Yorkton - Telephone Directories --- Telephone Directories - SASK, Melville, Yorkton
1988: Melville-Yorkton and District, SaskTel Telephone Directory971.24SAS
SASK, Regina, Polk - Directories, City --- Directories, City - SASK, Regina, Polk
1995: 125th Polk City Directory Anniversary Edition Regina, S971.24POL
SASK, Saskatoon - Directories, City --- Directories, City - SASK, Saskatoon
1996: Polk City Directory; - Saskatoon971.24POL
SASK, Saskatoon - Telephone Directories --- Telephone Directories - SASK, Saskatoon
1958: Saskatoon Telephone Directory 1958971.24SAS
Surnames - Origins and Meanings
Variations of Surnames from Volume 7 of Tanguay Book971.4TAN
Surnames - Origins and Meanings --- ENG - Dictionaries, Surnames --- Dictionaries and Indexes, Surnames
Penguin Dictionary of SurnamesCottle, Basil929.4COT
Surnames - Origins and Meanings --- Switzerland - Surnames
Swiss Surnames; A Complete Register Vol. 1 A-GMeier, Emil949.4MEI
Surnames - Origins and Meanings --- Switzerland - Surnames
Swiss Surnames; A Complete Register Vol. 3 R-ZMeier, Emil949.4MEI
Switzerland - Surnames --- Surnames - Origins and Meanings
Swiss Surnames; A Complete Register Vol. 2 H-QMeier, Emil949.4MEI
USA - Indexes, Legal
Red Book: American State, County and Town SourcesEicholz, Alice973EIC
USA - Undertakers and Undertaking, Index
National Yellow Book of Funeral Directors973NAT
USA, New England - Local History
New England Families: Genealogical and Memorial: A record of the achievement of her people in the making of commonwealths and the founding of a nation973CUT
USA, New England - Local History
New England Families: Genealogical and Memorial: A record of the achievement of her people in the making of commonwealths and the founding of a nation973CUT
USA, New England - Local History
New England Families: Genealogical and Memorial: A record of the achievement of her people in the making of commonwealths and the founding of a nation973CUT
USA, New England - Registers
New England Families: Genealogical and Memorial: A record of the achievement of her people in the making of commonwealths and the founding of a nation973CUT